
postheadericon SKIL RAS450 450-Square-Inch Aluminum-Top Benchtop Router Table with Extensions

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Discount SKIL RAS450 450-Square-Inch Aluminum-Top Benchtop Router Table with Extensions Online Shop

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SKIL RAS450 450-Square-Inch Aluminum-Top Benchtop Router Table with Extensions Specification

  • Portable and precise Skil aluminum-top benchtop router table
  • Ideal for adding a decorative touch to moldings
  • Includes a 450 square-inch work surface with extensions
  • Features mounting holes in the bottom of the table's legs
  • 35-by-15-by-16 inches and 17.5 pounds

SKIL RAS450 450-Square-Inch Aluminum-Top Benchtop Router Table with Extensions Overview

Skil RAS450 Aluminum Top Benchtop Router Table - 446 sq. in. w/ Extensions Founded in 1924 as the Michel Electric Handsaw Company and renamed Skilsaw, Inc. in 1926, SKIL has become one of the most recognized and powerful brands in the power tool industry. From circular saws and jigsaws to sanders and drills, SKIL power tools are engineered to deliver the high-performance and durability that today's growing population of Do-It-Yourselfers demand. Skil RAS450 Aluminum Top Benchtop Router Table - 446 sq. in. w/ Extensions Features: 450-Square-Inch Aluminum Top Benchtop Router Table Comes with Extensions [else][endif] [if
  • Portable and precise Skil aluminum-top benchtop router table
  • Ideal for adding a decorative touch to moldings
  • Includes a 450 square-inch work surface with extensions
  • Features mounting holes in the bottom of the table's legs
  • 35-by-15-by-16 inches and 17.5 pounds

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